SHINE Your Talk Course
提供課程機構:Called To Work, CCI USA, CCI Canada 4E課程程度:Encourage, Equip/Empower 課程類別 :Bi-vocational: Effective Workplace Communication Training 學時:1.5X7 開課日期:1/20-4/21/2022 時間/時區:8:30pm-10:00pm 美東時間 / 7:30pm-9:00pm 美中時間 / 5:30pm-7:00pm 美西時間 教師名稱:Elder Elaine Kung 授課語言 (普、粵、台、英):English 是否提供翻譯:No 授課方式 (視訊/現場/混合):online 是否收费:收費 課程簡介: Course BenefitsHow to overcome frustration at work when not being seen, not being heard?What is the best strategy for conflict …